GULFF – an innovative trendsetter in the industry

Gulff is a distinguished Finnish manufacturer of fly fishing products that has quickly gained a massive reputation. Our distrubutor is one of the leading fly fishing brand in Europe  – VISION (read more). Gulff’s products focus on fly fishing chemicals, supplies, equipment and other accessories. Known for its quality and originality, the products are designed in Finland but tested under different conditions around the world. Our products are sold worldwide and our distribution channel extends to more than 40 countries.

GULFF is a forerunner in product safety

Gulff is the first and so far the only company in the industry to comply unequivocally with chemicals legislation and user safety related product and packaging regulations (complies with ECHA, GHS and CLP markings and regulations). The products of our 2020 range already cover chemicals legislation and regulations of 14 language areas.

Why is compliance important?  For example, labels and warnings indicate the safety related to the use of the product. It is really irresponsible to neglect safety issues. In the worst case scenario, healthcare professionals are unable to treat their patient in the event of an accident, for example. Thus, the dealers, importers and manufacturers are then liable for the accident. Gulff’s products, when used correctly, are a safe and secure option for both the user and the retailer.

GULFF and the environment

Gulff is an environmentally conscious company.  Our new packaging is as recyclable as possible and environmentally friendly. With regard to chemicals, we would like to broadly communicate about environmental issues and the safety of the raw materials used in our products. However, the chemicals legislation prohibits references to, for example, non-toxicity, environmental friendliness and safety in the case of products containing hazard labels.

However, we can mention that for example our UV resin products are

  • biodegradable
  • not listed as a carcinogen (IARC)
  • not subjected to know marine pollutant according to IMDG Code
  • not subjected to environmentally hazardous substance according to ADN
  • Read more about our environment issues HERE