"My name is Karl Önning, I’m 30 years old and live with my wife and 3year old son in Västerås, Sweden. My everyday job is project planning - Powerline construction. I´ve been tying flies seriously since 2012. Im tying - Nymphs, Dry´s, streamers, tubeflies, sea trout flies. All i might need for trout fishing from midges in #20 to 15cm tubeflies for migrating trout. Trout has become the species i mainly fish for but also love fishing for char, grayling, rainbow and salmon. I travel a lot in search for that dream fish. All around sweden and abroad. Im really passionate and ambitious about my fly fishing and fly tying. Always trying to improve and learn more. "
"Hello, I’m Simon johansson, 29 years old. Lives in Southern Sweden with my wife and two daughters. I tried fly fishing and tying flies for the first time at the age of 10, but it became the biggest interest only 5 years ago. Mainly tying dry flies and that’s also the fishing technique I prefer. Today I run my own business, selling fly fishing equipment and fly tying materials "
"29 year old fella that's been tying flies for 3 years. I live in Stockholm, were i work as a chef. When im not busy in the kitchen i like to calm down with a cold beer behind the vise, were i mainly focus and emergers and caddis flies. And when im having the oppertunity my heart belongs to the rivers and nature in northern Sweden. "
"I’m Gabriele “Cap” Zingaro, I actually live in rome, where I was born 36 years ago and I’m angler since 1989. I’m a fly fishing addict and i’ve made a job with my passion. Usually I go fishing for trout and some predators (bass, pike) but I love try catching each species on the fly. I’m also a fly tyer and I’m a consultant for some of the best company in the world; I love to join international fly tying competition and in 2018 I won Slovenian Fly Tying Championship in two different categories (dry fly – Streamer).I collaborate with fishing TV and Magazine, I’m a Youtuber and blogger explaning how to make simple fly fishing for everybody."
"My name is Marcus, I'm born and raised in the archipelago of Stockholm, Sweden. I started flyfishing and tying flies at the age of 12 and for me the brackish waters of the archipelago became my home water were I could evolve my flyfishing and flytying. It didn't took long before I was charmed by the mysterious sea run browns that live along the coastal line of Scandinavia. Most of my flytying consists of streamers for sea run browns, perch and pike but lately I’ve been obsessed by the european nymphing and I love to tie nymphs for tight line nymphing."
"Hello everyone, I'm Marco Clari and started to flyfishing since 2008. After a few months i started the amazing art of fly tying together a very good flytier in Turin,i started only with dryfly for some years then tried and practiced all techniques of flyfishing. I really like to tie flies and share my patterns and styles!! Tight lines guys!!!"
"My name is Carlo. I have been practising fly fishing sinse 2009. I have always been tying all sll kinds of flies but in the last few years dedicated to saltwater fishing. I like tye especially pike, tuna and bass streamers. "
“Since I was young I played different fishing techniques and, in 2010, I landed to fly fishing. Suddenly I felt in love with it and it became my only passion. The year after, with the guide of friends, I started tying my first flies: both classics and moderns. Since then, with the support of tiers well known in Italy and Europe, I always tried to improve myself, getting new tips and refining my tying technique. I went constantly deep inside this new magic world with a lot of blood, sweats and tears, focusing mostly about the Italian Style where Francesco Palù was the pioneer. I had a cooperation with the famous teacher Massimo Magliocco, taking care of his tying articles published by some important specialized magazines. In 2015 I tied at the Forlì Fly Fair for my friend Diego Riggi, founder of Dressing Italiano, in 2016 I attended at the Vicenza Fly Fair at “Fly Fishing 360” corner, an organization wich I’m still associated to. In 2017 I attended again at the Vicenza Fly Fair tying at the desks of “Fly Tying Experience”, a tying group organized by Fabio Federighi, one of my best teachers and a friend. At this Fly Fair I won a Stonfo prize for a tying competition organized by the magazine La Pesca a Mosca e Spinning. I’m also a pro team member of Gulff Resins and I’m still associated to the Bereguardo Greygoose Club where I share my passion with my friends. In 2018 I took part in the Vicenza fair at the “Pescare Show”and the “Danish Fly Festival”. My flies go through different techniques, from traditional to modern ones with the use of every kind of materials available. I go fishing to rivers in Italy and abroad, plenty of challenges where I love trying my flies and push my limits. I’m conscious to be only at the beginning of an hard and long way, to pursue a path that will allow me to grow professionally."
"My name is Jon Hanson and I’m a weird flyfisher and a passionate flytier. Been flyfishing and tying flies since 1996 and worked in the flyfishing industry since 2004. I fish/tie flies for almost all european species, but I favor tying flies and fish for Brown Trout and Searun Brown. "
"My name is Ola Andersson, a Swede in the mid 30's. I have been fishing all my life and the last 10 years or so has been all about flyfishing. I have been tying flies since i was 13 or so but in the last 5 years its gotten serious for real. I mostly tie nymphs mainly to be used "euro" style, or shortline up stream nymphing."
"Hi! My name is Ville. Born 1987 in a small town called Kokemäki, southwest of Finland and there I live still with my wonderful family. Besides changing diapers to my newborn babygirl or fooling around with my 4-year-old boy, I try to tie as much as possible. Discovered fishing at early age when we found a fishingclub of three people with my two closest(and only) kids in the neighborhood. In 2014 I got fascinated by fly fishing and fly tying, but it was only last summer I discovered the wonders of nymphfishing and that really feels like my cup of coffee although I try to be as diverse as possible. Favorite catch at the moment is grayling but I try to catch also brownies and rainbows. Tight lines everybody!"
"I'm Mathias Åberg, 40 years old. I'm living in Garphyttan Sweden with my wife and 2 kids. I have tied flies for about 15 years but it's the last 4-5 years I'm really stept up. Dryflies and dryflyfishing is what it's been all about since day one, and still is. Trout fishing have the last years been the big thing for me. But it happens that I go for som rainbow fishing also in some lakes near my home."
"My name is Peter Steen, and I began tying flies about four years ago, partly because it seemed like a natural progression for someone passionate about fly fishing, and partly to occupy my time during the winter months when it's too cold and snowy to fish. I tend to specialize in dry flies, particularly caddis, but I enjoy tying and fishing a wide variety of patterns. I primarily fly fish for wild and native trout in small, high elevation streams and lakes throughout Utah and its surrounding states. "
"My name is Des O'Rourke and I live in Cork in the South of Ireland. Flyfishing for wild brown trout, salmon and sea trout is my passion. I love the creativity of fly tying and try to find the time to tie most days. I enjoy sharing my flyfishing and flytying adventures on Instagram. Make sure to check it out @desorourke"
My name is Jarid Church and I grew up in the mountains of North Carolina. As a young kid, I spent a lot of my time fishing. I made a natural progression into fly fishing when I was about 15 years old. Shorty after taking up fly fishing, I became interested in fly tying. It wasn’t until I joined social media in 2015 that I really began to take it more serious. I started tying outside my comfort zone and trying to improve, not only in my tying, but my photography as well. I primarily fish for trout, but enjoy chasing largemouth bass too.
" Fishing has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. Having a father that was a tournament Bass Fisherman, fishing has always been a part of our family. I started tying saltwater flies when my wife and I settled on St. George Island, Florida. I cut my teeth tying flies for some of the most demanding Tarpon Guides in area. Three years ago we opened up a little fly shop in Apalachicola, Florida called Forgotten Coast Fly Company. I focus primarily on saltwater fly tying on any and all species that call salty water home, from Tripletail to Tarpon."
"I’m Tuomas Hakala, 23 years old. I’m living in Kokkola Finland. I have been fishing since i was 4-5 years old. I began tying flies twelve years ago. First i only tied flies and my dad fish with them. I haven’t been so interested about flyfishing in the first years, but i loved fly tying. Then fell in love with fly fishing and here we are. I like every kind of flyfishing methods. But my thing seems to be pike and trout in the fast running waters. "
“Hi all!. My name is Nacho Heredero, I am from Madrid although now I live in Asturias. I am an streamerjunkie, and I started in flyfishing and flytying in 1991. I remember when I bought and apart my first streamers to see how they were tied. My favourite fish?, all that can be fished with an streamer!. From 2015 I am in the flyfishing industry tying flies for CRR Flies, so, I consider myself incredibly lucky to be able to live from my passion and to do each day something that I love, to tie flies.”
“My name is Jan Sigve and I'm from Norway. I started fly tying and fly-fishing as a young boy and I've been obsessed with it ever since. I love spending time working with my tying vise and create new fly patterns for my next trip. 'Always trying to improve and learn' is my personal motto."
"Born in 1984, in South Jutland County, Denmark, where I started my fly-fishing carrier, as a young kid. I spend most of my time there fishing dry flies and nymphs, for brown trout and graylings. When I turned 20, I moved to “Sea run Brown capital” of Denmark, Funen, to study and here I picked up coastal fly fishing and fly tying. In my late twenties I stated fly-fishing for Pike and Perch and around that time my fly-tying became extremely serious. Today I spend more time at the vise than at the waters. Fly tying has become an obsession for me and I tie everything from small nymphs to big and bulky pike flies."
"Hi everyone! I`m Eugene Borovin, 28 years old and living in Krasnodar, in the South part of Russia. I`ve been fishing since childhood and started fly fishing and fly tying from 2016. Too much enjoy to tie flies and share with people."
“My name is Johannes Junge, born in 1983. I’m from Kolding, Denmark. I have been fishing since I was 6 years old. Flyfishing has always been fascinating me, but it wasn’t before 2014 I started to tie flies and became a flyfisher. I was hooked when I caught my first fish on fly and haven’t look back since. Pike flies is my game, but occasionally I tie shrimp and baitfish patterns for searun browns and perch patterns. I run a small danish website about pike flyfishing with tips, tricks and flytying tutorials, to help beginners and other flyfishermen with the same passion.!
"Dominick Greico has been trout fishing and fly tying for most of his life. A lifelong resident of Upstate New York, he has spent much of his free time exploring the vast Adirondack Park and the endless trout streams the State has to offer. His passion for fly fishing often leads him to the State of Montana in the summer to fish his favorite rivers and mountain lakes. He was fortunate to learn the art of fly tying many years ago from some of the most seasoned outdoorsman in the area. Dominick pays homage to his mentors by continually refining the patterns he was taught. He has a mission of incorporating modern materials and techniques while maintaining the core qualities of these tried and true fly patterns."
"My name is Christian Kirchermeier from Bavaria in Germany. I am 34 and live here with my wife and my daughter. I go fishing since over 30 years now and it dont get boring. Flytying startet at the ago of 15, but after two or three years I quit. After a long time searching different fish like carp and catfish I come back to flyfishing a few years ago. My favorits are mainly dryflies and nymphs to target trout and grayling. I always hunting for the big ones.."
"My name is Johan Lundberg and i'm 43 years old from the west coast of Sweden. I'm living in Gothenburg with my wife and my two daughters. Beside family is flytying and flyfishing my biggest intrest. I have tied flies of since I was about 10 years old. The last years it's been on daily basis and a normal day never pass without a couple flies popping out the wise.
My favorite fishes to hunt are so many so instead I follow the year and try to focus right here right now. But if I had to choose I will say all kinds of trout in the spring and during the summertime the hunt of Leerfish and Amberjack in the Mediterranean. Later on during late summer and fall are salmon and the rainbow my favorites.
I make more or less all type of flies and my favorite flies
are much depending on the season. I love to mix old pattern with new material and create new types of flies that i believe will do the job. "
"My name is Simon Caddy ,I’m 40 and I was born and raised in the Staffordshire Moorlands . I have fished since I was a very young boy and my passion has grown into my life . I’m a competition angler happy in the river , in a boat or on the bank , as long as I’m fishing . For me fly tying is so much more than a hobby , it’s my job and I take great pride in my work , tying orders and doing demonstrations around the country . I have had my own fly fishing shop since 2014"
"My name is Tim Sickles, I grew up in lower Michigan and have since relocated to Idaho where I enjoy fishing for steelhead, trout, and whatever else will eat a fly. I started fishing at a very young age and later made the leap into fly fishing when I began fishing for salmon and steelhead in Lake Michigan's tributaries. I started tying flies when I was 14 but my tying then was pretty much limited to Wooly Buggers and Pheasant Tails. About 7 years ago, I started to get serious about tying, investing a lot more time and money into the craft and quickly became obsessed. I've since grown especially fond of tying foam dry flies and soft hackles, often taking classic patterns and transforming them to fit my needs. I've also recently begun tying more classic Salmon and Steelhead patterns, which has pushed me to try new techniques and learn more outside my comfort zone. I'm always striving to improve and broaden my tying skills."
"My name is Jeff Enwright of FishWhistleFlies from Ontario Canada. Executive Chef by Day, and Fly Tyer by night. My tying began in 2018 when I fell in love with the artistic similarities of replicating food and flies with no limitations, and consistent precision. With inspiration from many tyers around the world, and incredible game fish in my home waters like bass, walleye, pike and muskie. As well as many trout and salmon species. I am able to enjoy endless patterns and techniques while fly fishing the Great Lakes region of Canada almost year round. For the future I look forward to everyday tying/fishing, and am thankful to be a part of such an amazing team and community in the fly fishing world. Wishing everyoneTight Lines & Good Catch "
"My name is Jeff Rowley, I was born and raised in Amarillo Texas where I live with my wife and two sons. My love of trout fishing started in the 70’s at our family cabin in Eagles Nest New Mexico. That love for fly fishing has since expanded to include both bass and salt water fishing. My brother and I got our love for the outdoors from our dad from a young age. In 1982 when I was 12 years old my parents got me a fly tying kit for Christmas. That started my life long passion for tying flies. I like to push myself to think outside the box and tie new and different flies. I like to put artistic flair into my flies and I think I get that from my mom and her incredible artistic abilities."
"Hi, I'm Sebastián Pagano from San Luis pronvice, Argentina. I have been fly fishing for more than 20 years, but since about 3-4 years, I have been working professionally. I am a fly fishing and tying instructor, and I have a great passion for carp and trout fishing with nymphs and dry flies. I spend a great deal of time on the fly tying, especially realistic flies; I also spend a lot of time developing nymphs, dry flies and flies in general for carp fishing. On the other hand, I am a doctor of geology, a researcher, and in recent years I have dedicated myself to uniting my two passions, Geology and fishing, seeking to understand the geological factors that influence the life of a river. I enjoy the photography and everything that frames outdoor life, which I usually share on my social networks. I hope you enjoy my ties."
I am 37 years old and live in germany. I have been flyfishing and flytying for about 8 years. For me is it more than just fishing ... I love nature ... and for me it is very important to protect it. That is why I am involved with my husband in an association in Thuringia (Verband für Angeln und Naturschutz Thüringen e.V.). What that means? We take care of species protection, nature protection, ecology and much more. We also support children and young people. In summer we mostly fish regionally. In winter we fly to warm areas. For example maldives, laccadives, guyana, peru, costa rica, sudan, andaman, mauritius, cape verde… and so on… I tie my own flies, like fotography and I also make films. "
"Hello. My name is Stephen Crawford,born in New Brunswick, Eastern Canada , where I fished for Eastern Brook Trout .Grass Pike and of course Atlantic Salmon. Fly tying came naturally to me expanding my interests into all types for flys and fly fishing. In 1994 I moved to Southern Ontario just west of Toronto where I soon discovered the amazing fly fishing opportunities close to me. Very quickly understanding my tying skills had to improve since I was now chasing Steelhead, Salmon from the Great Lakes, Musky, Pike, Bass, Brown Trout, Speckled Trout and Carp.As all fly tiers soon understand we have our signature patterns that we master but intrigued by so many other tiers and patterns."
"My name is Maksim Sandic , my home is in London Ontario. I began to fly fish and tie flies when I was 15 and soon realized how much I enjoyed tying huge articulated streamers for Brown Trout and of course predatory species like Pike and Musky. I am using Gulff Resins on most of my flies from Nymphs thru 14" Musky Flies. My Goal as I move forward is to open a fly shop and guide business incorporating my love of this passion into my everyday life."
"Having fished most of my life it wasn't til the early 2000's when I realized how much more eventful and enjoyable landing a fish on a fly was, especially your own tied fly .In 2010 the world of Spey Fishing entered into the picture and fills my fly fishing efforts for half of the year. An opening at Nile Creek Fly Shop in 2012 moved me into a position to learn and utilize so many materials and techniques...On Vancouver Island we have all year fishing in both Fresh and Salt waters ...I soon learned about Salt Water patterns and Chase Chinook,Coho and Pink Salmon off the beaches from July thru October.As fall enters the picture tying Steelhead Intruders,fresh water Salmon flies and dressed flies. The thrill of a Steelhead on a fly is never forgotten."
"Emiliano Dicicco. Coming to Vancouver Island in the mid to late 2000's to study Marine Biology from Italy it became very clear where he wanted to live. At the completion of his studies in Canada Emy went back to Italy and completed his studies .In 2015 Emy came back to Canada and accepted a position as a "Fish Vet/biologist" with the Pacific Salmon Foundation helping to understand disease and conservation needs with Pacific Fish Species. In 2007 Emiliano picked up his first fly rod and never looked back.Now a Vision Canada Pro Staff member . His tying skills are startling and very exacting. Being an Italian, Nymphing is high on his list but a bit more passionately is his Dry Fly efforts for Summer Steelhead and wet fly techniques for Winter Steelhead. Always as a backup is of course the Salt Water beach fishing for Coho,Pink Salmon and Sea Run Cutthroat Trout ."
"Hola, mi nombre es César Tardío y soy de Extremadura,( España ) Llevo pescando con mosca desde que tenía 18 años.. Mis primeros comienzos fueron con una de las especies autóctona que mas me gusta engañar, el Barbo Comizo! Después ya vinieron otras, como el Black-bass, Lucio o la Carpa. En cuanto a las moscas las tuve que comprar, porque aquí, en Badajoz donde actualmente vivo, no se conocía esta bonita modalidad y a penas encontraba material para atarlas, así que como torno de montaje utlizaba mis manos, algunas sedas de mi madre y pelos y plumas de los animales que me iba encontrando... Como pescador siempre me ha gustado engañar a los peces con las moscas que yo fabrico, porque realmente es lo que me satisface. Actualmente mis ratos de ocio los dedico exclusivamente al montaje de ellas y salir a probarlas!! Soy una persona autodidacta, ya que no tuve la suerte y la información que tenemos hoy en día, quizás fúe esa la razón por la que me enamoré de esta forma de pescar. A través de las redes sociales he tenido la fortuna de poder conocer a gente que le gusta lo que hago, venderles mis moscas preferidas y hasta llegar a colaborar en grandes libros como,TABÚ CON ESCAMAS o FLY FISHING IN CENTRAL SPAIN, programas de televisión, etc... Pues eso, un enamorado de la pesca con mosca! Un abrazo a todos!!
Lucas Utrera is a fly tyer born in Córdoba, Argentina, currently residing in Miami, USA. He started fly fishing in the mid-90s together with his father at the early age of 12, and after watching a couple of flies being tied, he became completely fascinated. Lucas became well known in Argentina's fly tying community after he started participating in fly fishing shows and writing fly tying articles in specialized magazines. He dabbled in commercial tying for some year, but later dedicated most of his time to tying special flies for collectors and participating in competitions, such as “The Patent Pattern Contest” of Fly fishing & Tying Journal magazine, in which he won several times. He is currently a member of the Gulff, Ahrex, Semperfli and Renomed Pro Teams.
"28 Years I have now been a Fisherman, when I started off I was just a boy of 8 years. When I started fishing it was an exciting hobby as a kid it would allow me to be outdoors and enjoying wildlife. Then as I began to get older, fishing to me now was more about the excitement of the chase and trying to understand the mental puzzle of the fish. My first time fishing was in a small pond near where we lived at the time. I always remember I thought I was the bee’s knees, times where hard back then and my dad made me a hand made rod perfect for my size, from there on there was no stopping me every opportunity I got I would be nagging either my Dad or my Uncle to take me fishing. So now that I am getting older and starting to really get into the sport I had to find a way of funding it, so I started doing the ‘cream service’ selling bacon & eggs every weekend and when I wasn’t doing that I was working at my cousins car wash which in turn allowed me to pay for my days out & any fishing materials that I needed. 28 Years on and I’m enjoying the sport more than ever, I have been tying my own flys now as long as I can remember mainly for rainbow trout and brown trout grayling & pike. I’ve also had the privilege of being in a few clubs such as bangour fly fishing club and Ayr travellers. I have got to say though my best distinction has to be when i got asked to join the deer creek pro team about two years ago,such an amazing opportunity & pleasure. I have fly fished all over Scotland England Wales and Sweden i even had the most amazing experience fishing in the rocky mountains in Colorado along with fishing Elevenmile canyon,Although I have enjoyed fly fishing for many a years, River fishing is my main passion targeting brown trout and grayling.
Hey there, I’m Frank Brassard. The Eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies is where I call home. I’ve fished all my life but fell in love with fly-fishing 3 years ago. Since then, it has become focal point of my life. I tye every day, focusing on trout specific patterns. My tying falls within no particular style. In fly-tying, just as with fly-fishing rivers, I like to explore. I constantly try new materials and techniques and figure out what works. I tend to tye a lot of nymphs, emergers and dry flies. Once in a while, I’ve been known to put together a streamer or two. I feel very fortunate to live and recreate in a place such as the mountains of Western Canada. Here, the rivers and lakes are plentiful, clean and quiet. I’m a strong proponent of sustainable fisheries and maintaining healthy ecosystems. I fish barbless, pack out what I pack in and always release my catches. I’m therefore proud to associate with a brand such as Gulff, who are sensitive to their impact on marine life and produces biodegradable UV resins.
Passionate fly fisherman from Denmark, living on island of Funen. I have been fishing more or less most of my life and since 2005 it has really taken off. Every year I travel around the world with my fly rod, and the rest of the year is filled well with fishing for trout, pike and salmon in my home waters. But also species such as carp are presented to the my fly (Jesper has several Danish records with the fly on the CV) Fly fishing and fly tying have become a very big part of my life. I work in one of the leading flyshops in Denmark – Go Fishing, I am a certified fishing guide, and guides fishermen from all over the world on the coast of Funen for Searun Browntrout. And not least, bunches of flies are daily tied with great passion..
Flo started fishing at the age of six on the banks of the Yonne river in France. By the time he was in Junior High, he was spending more time fishing or in the family fishing store than at school. At 17 , he decided to dedicate his life to fly fishing. After a few years of training, he was designated a Flyfishing Master. From then on, he started guiding and instructing fly fishing, and managed his own outfitting. In his mid 20s, he moved to Canada to pursue his passion. Flo spent a few years on the East Coast, just enough time to tease Atlantic Salmon. Since 2006, he has owned and operated the Tofino Flyfishing School, and started guiding on Pacific shores. in 2017, he created Flow Flyfishing. These days, you’ll find him on the water with guests or teaching fly fishing somewhere in gorgeous Clayoquot Sound, on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, Canada
Lake Cowichan , Vancouver Island B.C. Hello..I am Wes Penny and have a deep passion for fly tying, especially flies that suit for the amazing Lake fisheries in British Columbia. As a Young boy fishing was instilled in me growing up in Skeena Region of North Central British Columbia. The Kitimat area offered an abundance of Trout and Salmon opportunities that remains with me to this day. Life seems to get in the way for most of us until about 16 years ago when I was introduced to fly fish and have never looked back. Although I really enjoy the Creeks and Rivers of Vancouver Island my first love is in the Lakes of Central B.C.,the Caribou and Thompson Okanagon regions. Influenced by the multitude of insect life in these fertile lake systems I have become a passionate fly tier creating exciting presentations to match the hatch and entice action. Gulff Resins have opened up so many possibilities in this art form. For the past 6 years I have assisited at world famous Douglas Lake Ranch and in 2021 will be returning to Manage Stoney Lake Lodge, MinnieLake and other fishing/camping locations on Canada’s largest working Cattle Ranch. I am very pleased to be part of Gulff’s International Pro Team
My name is Vladimir Glamocak, I was born and I live in Futog-Novi Sad, Serbia. For many years, my hobby has been Fly Fishing and Fly Tying. Every free moment I have, is dedicated to Fly Tying and Fly Fishing. I fish in the rivers of Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Sweden, North Macedonia.... I mostly fish for trout and greyling.
My name is Guillermo López, I am 33 years old, I grew up in Temuco, a city in southern Chile, destiny brought me to Panguipulli, where I currently live with my family. Panguipulli is a mountain town where wild nature reigns, the perfect place for a person like me. It is known as the route of the seven lakes, this allows me to enjoy privileged places for fishing, leave home and in a few minutes be connected to the river is priceless. I’m a lucky man. Since childhood I always enjoyed fishing, it was one of my favorite pastimes, today I can say that fly fishing has become my lifestyle. The tying of flies represents my passion and work, in which I have invested long hours of study and years perfecting my knowledge and techniques. I spend my days sitting next to the press, tying and reviewing every moment by the river, anxiously waiting for the moment when I can be back in the water. Currently I have managed to be part of the professional teams of Gulff, Textreme and Dohiku. I have my own brand which is called "Guille López Flies", in which I expose through my social networks the different fly patterns, tying techniques and entomology. I consider myself a versatile tyer, tying from classic flies to modern flies. My goal is always to continue growing as a fisherman and fly binder, to become a great reference in my country. My goal is to enhance and inculcate fly fishing, delivering knowledge, skills and competencies for those who want to enter this wonderful adventure. One of my references is Ruben Martin, in which I could find inspiration. I was fortunate to participate and learn from your knowledge, which impelled me to be who I am. Like my great friend Luciano Tomas Bacci who has supported me since the beginning of my career as a fly tying.